#MemberMonday: Stephanie Campbell

Stephanie Campbell, Wonder Woman

Why I became a member of the 100+ Women Northumberland

“Volunteering and supporting community is a goal I strive to achieve and add (as much as I can) into my weekly routine. I have always had a number of not-for-profits that I support and fundraise for and these are groups that I hold near and dear to my heart.When I first heard about 100 Women Northumberland and how we could collectively support local charities, I knew I had to join. I love being part of this inspiring group and how we, as a collective group of women, can make such an incredible difference in our community. Women supporting women is one of the most powerful things we can do and together we can truly change the world – or at least this small corner of the world that we live in!”

#membermonday #thepowerof100 #womensphilanthropy


#MemberMonday: Britt Parker

Britt Parker

Why I became a member of the 100+ Women Northumberland

100 Women with Heart is an organization that strikes a chord. It is grassroots, well run, has excellent communication and most importantly, 100% of the grant raised goes directly to the charity – these are the main reasons I joined this organization. 
I became a member because I wanted to give back to our community that my family calls home. When I heard about 100 Women, it was the perfect opportunity to give back on a larger scale as a group and make a significant impact locally. I have enjoyed learning about the different organizations within our community and their needs. I love listening to the passion our members have for the non-profits that speak to them. My heart has grown hearing about how 100 Women with Heart has helped, provided financial support, increased awareness and local impact. I am truly proud to be a member.
#membermonday #thepowerof100 #womensphilanthropy

#MemberMonday: Jennifer Darrell

Jennifer Darrell

Why I became a member of the 100+ Women Northumberland

I am an “original” member and was at the inaugural meeting when my nomination for SONG was drawn as one of the first three to be voted on at the second meeting…. so I started out on a big “high”.  I initially was drawn to 100 Women because I loved the concept of getting the most for your donation and maximizing grants and I had known and worked with Nicole Beatty earlier on SONG matters.  I admired Nicole so much that I knew 100 Women would be a great organization and I’ve never felt disappointed.  

My nomination for SONG “won” the vote at the second meeting so my “high” continued.  I have since then had another nomination drawn and, therefore, have had opportunities to tell the members about two of my favourite charities.

I love the fact that the membership is varied with women from a wide range of backgrounds and ages and esp that there are women there with babes in arms, as well as “elderlies” like myself.  I like that one can find out about all sorts of charities in the County and think it’s a huge plus that meetings start on time, presentations are short and everyone is on equal footing in terms of presentation parameters.  It is a great networking venue and I have made some good “connections” for further volunteer work through 100 Women.


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#MemberMonday: Ethelwyn Rempel

Ethelwyn Rempel, Inaugural Donor!

I had heard about men’s groups of 100 who raised funds for local charities on CBC radio (my window to the world) several years ago, so that I was familiar with the concept.  When I heard about a women’s group being founded in our area, I was there in a flash!

The first meeting, upstairs at ‘The Mill’, was my introduction to Nicole Beatty, Amelia, Kristy and Leslie, and I was hooked!  Nicole was so well spoken and described the concept. Everyone was keen and enthusiastic. Pam Went and I were eager to be a part of it!

It is a meaningful way to contribute to our local charities, and we learn about them.  We give to many charities, but this is the most personal and connected one for me.

The meetings, four times a year, are a gathering of fun, interesting, caring women and Nicole is wonderful at making the hour well run, personal and prompt!

Ethelwyn Rempel

#membermonday #thepowerof100 #womensphilanthropy


#MemberMonday: Pam Went

Pam Went, One of our first donors

Why I became a member of the 100+ Women Northumberland

Why did I join 100+  Women who Care?  Our name says it all.  It speaks to the great things that women can accomplish when they unite in a common purpose. When I read that Nicole was starting a chapter in Northumberland County I went to the inaugural meeting and joined that evening.
How do I feel about it now? I love the fact that our group is made up of women of all ages, and I love that we are able to donate amounts that are substantial and thus meaningful to the recipient charities. 
The 100 Women movement raises people’s awareness of the importance and power of philanthropy and it raises awareness of charities of which many of us have never heard. Both of these benefits can have  a domino effect in our community. An example of the latter: after learning about the Promised Land Farm Sanctuary from me, my husband became the sponsor of one of Kat’s goats and pays for Gussy’s expenses every month. ( Photo of the boys attached).

#membermonday #thepowerof100 #womensphilanthropy